The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2025)

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2B WFDNESDAY JANUARY 14 2004 LOCAL STATE THE CHARI OTTE OBSFRVFR I wwwcharlottecom SUPERINTENDENT NAMED IN PARKING LOT OF WINGATE INN VISITING PROFESSOR TO SPEND 6 MONTHS AT EACH UNIVERSITY Police investigate Concord homicide USX hemming Mse iwte) official Police publicly identify the body until Tuesday Tuesday afternoon relatives remembered Burke of Lore Street in Concord as a person who always tried to cheer them up when they felt bad I were down come up to me hug me make me laugh before he walked aunt Edith Heilig said as she cried Tuesday afternoon Known as Burke worked third shift at the Wal-Mart Supercenter on US 29 in Concord He loved to write songs and to play ball with his younger cousins his family said was my only child but he was also my best said mother Karen Burke know why anybody would want to hurt Police asked anyone with information about the crime to call (704) 920-5055 Jaime Levy: (704) 786-2185 jlevycharlotteobservercom Man 27 found in back seat of car cause of death unknown By Jaime Levy Staff Writer CONCORD Concord police are investigating a homicide after finding Charles Kirkpatrick Burke 27 dead in the bade seat of his car Monday Police had not determined Tuesday what caused death and were waiting for more information from the NC Medical Office body was discovered Monday afternoon in the parking lot of the Wingate Inn on Gateway Lane in Concord off the Speedway Boulevard exit of Interstate 85 Hotd managers had contacted police about a car parked there that did not appear to belong to a hotel guest Creating professorship in name By Diane Suchetka Staff Writer In what is being called a rare act of academic collaboration UNC Chapel Hill has established a visiting professorship to honor the outgoing president of its longtime rival Duke University a very beautiful event in higher said David Ward president of the American Council on Education one of the most wonderful creative acts of philanthropy seen in a long UNC Chancellor James Moeser surprised retiring Duke President Nan Keohane with the announcement Monday Moore will head merged schools Parents await first changes to Cleveland County school system By Karen Cimino Staff Writer SHELBY The newly merged Cleveland County Board of Edu-i cation met for the first time Tuesday amid disappointment and concerns about to come for the former Cleveland County Kings Mountain and Shelby school systems A US Justice Department de-J dsion Monday cleared the way I for the merger which disbanded the former Cleveland County i Kings Mountain and Shelby I school boards Kings Mountain i fought the merger for four years in court but lost its final court ap-1 peal in the fall Now school officials and parents are anxiously waiting to learn which changes will come first School officials have discussed moving students to different schools to even out the distribution of students Some schools are overcrowded while others have room for more The new school board consisting of nine appointed members was sworn in Tuesday and named Cleveland County Schools Superintendent Gene Moore to head the merged system The board also elected George Litton as chairman of the new merged board Litton served on the Cleveland County Board of Education Former Shelby school board member Jack Hamrick was elected vice chairman of the merged board The board will meet again at 4 pan next Wednesday discuss filling the open Kings Mountain spot on the board and possible changes to attendance lines The new board has at least two school board members from each of the three former school boards They were chosen about four years ago by Cleveland County commissioners who pushed the merger as a way to save money THEATRE CELEBRATES GRAND OPENING night at a dinner celebrating leadership and ties between the two schools Keohane is retiring in June after 11 years as president The distinguished visiting professorship will bring world-class scholars to the Triangle area -to Duke for six months and UNC for another six months Half of the $3 million that created the Nannerl Keohane Distinguished Visiting Professorship was pledged by UNC graduate Julian Robertson and his wife Josie of New York The other half will come in a grant from the William Kenan Jr Charitable Trust established in 1965 by Kenan a UNC that Leake lied on her voter registration and candidate filing forms in July 1997 before her first school board run On those forms she listed her apartment address before her lease even started He asked Gilchrist to explore a perjury charge Gilchrist a Democrat said he for a while on the matter until he talked to state elections officials and found a 1987 attorney opinion on when candidates must move into districts The rules for school board seats apply to all positions however State legislators for example must live in their districts for a year before running Although Gilchrist file charges James said Tuesday that he feels vindicated absolutely in my mind zero question that Vilma graduate announcement and acceptance witnessed by about 200 UNC and Duke supporters were filled with the grace expect But each managed to sneak in a jab too new academic partnership seems to us to be the most fitting way to acknowledge our appreciation to you Moeser said It is also our way of putting just a little bit of tar on your In her thanks Keohane mentioned the competition between the two schools for the best minds in the classroom and highest scores on the courts and playing fields for no mercy in the NCAA tournament" she said know that you have my affection and respect lied through her teeth to get that said James a Republican He said the law that require candidates to live in their districts during filing for office is flawed decision caps a bizarre year for Leake She withstood the challenge to her residency and weathered critics who pointed out her lack of a doctorate though the school board Web site still calls her Dr Leake Leake first elected in 1997 was re-elected in 2001 and said Tuesday she plans to run again in 2005 Although elected on a nonpartisan basis she is a registered Democrat STAFF WRITER ANN DOSS HELMS CONTRIBUTED TO THIS ARTICLE Richard Rubin: (704) 358-5832 rrubincharlotteobservercom fct' Aty'-r Theatre hosted a grand opening reception Tuesday at its new home on Stonewall Street The event included a sneak preview of Boy: The which opens Wednesday After nine years of renting space at the 176-seat Duke Theatre in Spirit Square and three months of intense renovation Theatre has a home of its own on the edge of uptown A $650000 makeover has converted the 10000-square-foot former Reliable Music building into a stylish 199-seat theater CMS BOARD MEMBER Leake face perjuiy prosecution Briefs North Carolina Sheriffs office investigates shooting death ANSON COUNTY The Anson County Sheriff Office is investigating the death of a 12-year-old boy found shot in the head Monday evening Authorities say they believe the death was an accident but are awaiting an autopsy There is no evidence that anyone else was involved in the shooting said Anson County Sheriff Tommy Allen Jr Allen said the gun a 22 caliber rifle may have been a gift to the boy but was kept in a room where the boy had limited access to it The parents were not home at the time of the shooting The 14-year-old sister discovered him in the back yard of the home about 7 pan The boy was flown to Carolinas Medical Center where he died at 2 am EMILY ACHENBAUM $1000 reward offered in robbery at Goodwill IREDELL COUNTY Statesville Crime Stoppers is offering a $1000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person who robbed the Goodwill Store on Tumersburg Road Dec 24 Police said a man walked through the rear door of the store after closing and robbed two female employees of the receipts and their personal cash The man ran toward North Point Boulevard police said Anyone with information should call Crime Stoppers at (704) 873-198L Callers do not have to say who they are or appear in court BRIDGETT NESBIT Woman charged in stabbing death of neighbor CALDWELL COUNTY A 33-year-old Lenoir woman remained in the Caldwell County jail without bond Tuesday charged with second-degree murder in the stabbing death of a neighbor Ebony Renee Greene 21 was stabbed twice at Falcon Court Apartments on Virginia Street where she lived shortly before 8 pm Monday said Lenoir police Capt Sharon Poarch Not long after police arrested Yolanda Mae Moore who also lives in the complex Police have responded to several calls involving the two women over the last several months Poarch said Police on Tuesday continued to interview witnesses some of whom offered conflicting statements to investigators Poarch said But investigators believe the stabbing was the result of an argument over a man who also lives at Falcon Court she said Poarch declined to identify the man but said he was at the scene when police arrived The killing is the first of the year in Lenoir which had one homicide in 2003 GREG LAC0UR Charlotte tops list for cost of local taxes fees MECKLENBURG COUNTY Charlotte residents pay the HgW per-capita local taxes and fees in North major cities according to a new report from the conservative John Locke Foundation of Raleigh Charlotteans paid an average of more than $2018 per person for local government in 2002 according to the report It is the third straight year that Charlotte has led that list Among the 25 largest municipalities Hickory placed fourth in cost while Kannapolis was 21st Huntersville Monroe Salisbury Concord and Gastonia were in between in that order The report also said local governments claim a growing share of NC income a jurisdiction is ranked high or low in cost of government is not the end of the debate over fiscal policy it is merely the wrote study author Michael Lowrey of North cities and counties must decide whether the services they receive are worth the price they and their fellow residential and business taxpayers are paying in local taxes and The report is online at wwwjohnlockeorg Richard rubin Derita meeting will discuss Nevin Road extension MECKLENBURG COUNTY Charlotte engineers will meet with Derita residents Thursday to talk about plans to extend Nevin Road The city plans to connect two separate sections of Nevin Road by building a two-lane segment between West Sugar Creek Road and Mallard Creek Road A future bond referendum would pay for con-structioa The informal open house meeting is 6 to 8 pan at Derita Presbyterian Church 2230 Sugar Creek Road DIANNE WHITACRE State tax collections over forecast for quarter STATEWIDE RALEIGH NC tax collections picked up in the second quarter of the 2003-04 fiscal year but lawmakers could still face tough budget decisions in 2004 legislative fiscal analysts said Utesday Tax collections stood $258 million ahead of forecasts as of Dec 31 improving significantly from a $4L4 million shortfall at the end of September legislative economist David ClOttS said ASSOCIATED PRESS moot question Gilchrist said just thank Leake said was honest I told the truth Pm just humbly grateful for the support of the ministers (and) parents And even children called critics including county commissioner Bill James say she lives outside her district in south Raintree neighborhood But Leake says she lives in an apartment off South Boulevard that sits in her district and lists that apartment as her official residence The Mecklenburg County Board of Elections ruled in October that Leake lives in the apartment But James also contended Residency law makes issue moot DA says By Richard Rubin Staff Writer Charlott e-Mecklenburg school board member Vilma Leake will not face a perjury prosecution in connection with her disputed residency District Attorney Peter Gilchrist said Thesday Gilchrist determined that state law does not require school board candidates to live in their districts when they file for office meaning that even if Leake had made false statements about her address they would be immaterial Instead candidates must live in their districts as of 30 days before the election That made perjury a THURSDAY Celebrating The Home Inside And Out Starting Thursday expanding the focus of Carolina Living section from gardening to home and garden We'll bnng you news about furnishings and decorating in addition to gardening tell you about cool stuff to buy for your home and give you Information about home and design topics for every lifestyle And you'll sbll find your favorite gardening features Healthy Eating Begins With Nutrients If you really want to eat healthy forget gimmicks like the Atkins diet The key is getting enough of key foods like broccoli beans oats and tomatoes nutritionists say Get your shopping list in News2Use on Page 2A SC LOTTERY Here are the winning numbers selected Tuesday in the SC lottery Carolina 5 numbers were drawn Tuesday PICK 3: Midday: 5-4-3 Evening: 2-6-3 PICK 4: Midday: 9-6-2-9 Evening: 1-6-1-4 Carolina 5: 34-6-13-5-21.

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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2025)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.