The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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JN ti i hr ecnoYrcrrrr The Foremost Newspaper of The Two Carolinas- SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2 1936 PAGE SEVEN POSTAL RECEIPTS BANK CLEARINGS GAIN THE NEW LITTLE SYMPHONY TO APPEAR HERE KMAPP Hutchinson Lashes Highway Body Farcical Enforcement Permitted Drunken Driver to Use His Name and Escape Punishment Charlotte Man Says Continued Improvement in Business Conditions Indicated by Both Indices Receipt yesterday by A Hutchinson Charlotte real estate man of a notice from Arthur Fulk director of the highway safety division of the State department of revenue that his license had been revoked as a result of conviction of driving drunk resulted in the dispatching to Raleigh of a letter that is expected to create a stir in the highway department Mr Hutchinson in commending i'- J' FOR SPRING WEAR Here are the new Knapp-Felts for town wear In new and favored colors styled by foremost authority although I an innocent party in this happening will continue to drive my car the real culprit will be laughing at the highway safety division of the State of North Carolina you not stir yourself and prove to the State that the office you hold is not just another political one? efforts made toward correcting this particular error are being awaited with interest" The of Mr Hutchinson resulted in the revocation of his license for one year Mr Hutchinson said he had no idea whether the man who gave his name as A Hutchinson actually had the name or he purposely used Mr Hutchinson's At any rate the Charlotte man who was not a little irritated had no idea of parking his automobile for another year Ins pert Building WASHINGTON (41 -Fresident Roosevelt took advantage cf a sunny afternoon today to make a motor inspection trip cf Ihe new interior department build-irg under construction not far from the White House Continued improvement of business conditions in January was indicated by gains receipts for the month at the Charlotte post office and an increase in bank clearings over the corresponding month of 1935 Postal receipts and bank clearings are generally taken as among the best indications of trends of general business conditions The gain of $702291 in postal receipts from $7070020 in 1935 to $7772311 last month was one of the best in recent years Bank clearings for the month totaled $54692200 or a gain of $1-313500 over January 1935 While the gain in bank clearings was not so great as gains of several other months since the rise from the low marks of 1932 started the fact that any gam at all was registered in the face of the unusually bad weather conditions was taken as an excellent sign that very substantial improvement will be shown with clearing weather Postmaster Paul Younts expressed gratification over the fine increase in postal receipts and expressed the belief that from all indications increasing gains will be registered throughout Ihe year a gain of more than $7000 was made last month in my opinion show that we are definitely on the way to normal business he said is probable that the receipts were cut some bv the bad weather but in spie of this we made one of the best gams! that has been shown since I became postmaster am quite confident that the lereipts will continue to show im-j ptnvement and I feel sure that I conditions are now much bptlerj List of Those Being Talked For Elective Posts Swelled by Ihen they have been and that con- County Political Pot Boils Merrilyijjjliji the campaign that is being made by 31 newspapers in the Carolinas to bring about a decrease in automobile accidents cited his case as indicative of the need for putting into eftect the State's newly enacted license law The letter from Mr Fulk was an notice and record of revocation of following on January 21 in the Shelby recorders court of drunken driving DENOUNCES LAXITY has occurred to me that unless immediate steps aie taken to enforce the present licensing Mr Hutchinson wrote Mr Fulk "it wall be just another farce and it is evident that that is the it i headed because of the laxity with which it has begun be specific so far a I know there is no other A Hutchinson living in Charlotte and to my cer-tan knowledge I have not been in Shelby since August of last year if you are to allow every Tom Dick and Harry to use the names of citizens of good repute when arrested and without producing a driver's license of any kind then may someone have pity on the good sitizens of this State in the name of common sense if you have a driver's license law- do you not demand that the driver caught in a traffic violation of any kind first produce the license which he is supposed to keep with him at all times? In that way it will be impossible to use another person's name successfully when asked to duplicate the stgnahup even when ears are stolen and the person i robbed WRONGDOER ESCAPES taking the person' lieensp Tax collections for the week end- av from hlrn whpn convicted it mg Januarv 31 totaled $33 928 31 1 w'11 Je unnecessary for someone i in Raleigh lo prepare an official ning against the incumbents ho according to a statement prepared noj1PP 0f and mail to seek re-election For the hoard of yesterday (fit the office of the city' the wrong person letting the rpal county commissioners Dr treasurer wrongdoer escape to wrealt havoe Alexander has announced for chair- The collection follow: on the S'ate highway man the only candidate to get in- 1939 $28894: 1931 $516 59: 1932 have been reliably informed to that racp so far 51 393 97 1933 $373905 1934 $2- that your office ha mailed to McRAE FOR GOVERNOR 594 63 1935 $25405 12 some person a many a two pEUIS Week's Collections Reported political pot boiled merrily i Treasurer 69 Per because of the extreme cold! Cent Paid For 1935 materialized out of Sap Saw It In The Thank You! Wm A Addition of Name of Cansler Sr oqers tinned improvement may be expected during the coming Thp Mpcklenburpr rounty last 5eek but possibly weather few actual candidates steam it pave off The rosier of actual candidates BOY SWEPT 2 MILES IN DRAIN PIPE IS SAVED TASADENA Calif Feb Fred Cas 19 was rescued from a TRIPLE PLATE ffrJS? 7 45272 two mile James A Bell and Fd Tomssen underground for The boy lost his balance while playing on the banks of the drain near hi home and pitched in The for State Senate Mercer Blankenship and Charles Atkins for the House John Irwin and Mack Made and Guaranteed by Oneida Ltd In the Beautiful "Capri" Pattern 50 Piece Set Set tee For 8) swift current fed by a 24-hour i RUey for sheriff Stinson for -3in carried him into an under-1 treasurer-tax collector John -ground channel arms toe city His'Renfrow for rPRItPr pf dpp(is scream a he reached an open stretch brought Joseph Peck who waded in and saved him The bov lost cnnsciousnes after Spiatt for sunevor Judge Fred Hunter and I Caudle for recorder and Merl Long for solicitor Messrs Tom-spn Blankenship The balance of uneollerted taxes was shown: 1930 $6575930 1931 $91 802 31 1932 $112 231 45 1933 McRae is representing this county rt28 57118 1934 $15176579 1935 1 your office that jou should have in the gubernatorial list Hamilton i $477 84106 total $1027970 98 revoked one of the license Jones is expected to get into A total of $910996 90 or 66 66 per held hv one of these persons Tath-Ihe congressional race in a pf tbe 1934 levy of $1366395- pr than try to revoke the only one bring replied but hi injuries were routined to scratches and bruise SALE PRICE 91 was collected as of January 31 1935 The unrollected balance was $455489 01 or 53 3 levy About $1193826 27 or 69 75 per rent of thp 1935 levy of $1 581 667- uncollected balance of $477 841 06 33 ha been collected leaving an or 30 21 per cent of the levy I have REAL CULPRIT LAUGHS "The regietlable feature of this whol incident is the fact that LESS THAN REGULARLY Despite the rising cnt of sil xk CONVENIENT TERMS ver we are able In otter a PRICE lmiied number of sets at this pi ice because of special cooperation the mNiiilacltner 'inu save less than half the usual cost on mu new open-stock exclusive design This is not a pattern" sale You can add to this set at regular prices anv time mu desiie 1 DOWN BALANCE By the Week or By the Month Remember thi this i 3 new open Mock mi an add In sot at regular prices anv time vnu desiic Ue Our Lay-Away Plan For This Set! Luxurious Silverware With Pure Silver Overlay All pnnnprfl pirr of Ihw high hcHL ih wmi nr rin(orcd vuth a pm ilrr cuerlay of TR1-Pl thickness assming long nr and making possihl Ih guarantr lhat com utth each Only a Limited Number of Sets at This Price 50-Piecc Set includes lfi Teaspoons 8 Dinner Knives Hntlftw bandit ulth mirror tlainlta hlari 8 Dinner Forks 8 Salad Forks 8 Dessert Spoons 2 Serving Spoons in a Tarnish-Proof Chest weeks to complete the opposition from Mpcklenburg to Major A I Bulwmkle of Gaston the incumbent The list of thosp who are being talked for thp various elective posts in thp county was swelled yesterday by the addition of the name of Cansler Sr one of Ihe mnt piominent attorneys in the State No one seemed to know whether there was anv foundation for the lumois that Mr Cansler might he ptevailed upon to run That gentleman himself as is his custom when dealing wuth newspapermen greeted suggestion that he might run with a densive grin and an ambiguous Hhrump" FOR LOWER HOUSE Other mentioned for thp lower house rare are Ralph Kidd Vogler Haywood Robbins Taul Ervin Charles Bundy Chatles Tillett Jr For the chairmanship of the board of commissionei the possible candidates are said Uo be Chairman Baxter Hunter Commissioner Arnie Cashion Hai key Aithur Wearn Foimer Chairman Joe Sherill and Former Chairman Henry Fowler For the boaid Commissioner Robert Dunn and Binnks and Har-ev McCombs aie believed to be likely candidate The membeis of the piesenl county school board aie said lo bp considering running again allhough 1 Wilson Alexander's fi lends aie talking him for the post of chairman of the board of coninusMoners Rumois of a combination of1 fences on the pai of Commissioner Harkcy and Commissioner fashion continued despite denial of the existence of anything of the kind finm both paities According to Ihe political know-it-alls Mr liar-key i to run for chan man and Mr Cashion is In make the race agamsr John Ren flow foi regisler of deeds Principals in Ihe mailer however! say Iheie nothing but talk In this alignment so far as they know TALMADGE aTdAL SMITH ARE SCORED BY JOHNSTON COLUMRTA Feb 1 -i4V- Governor Olm Johrwton of South aiolina turned upon his neighbor Governor Eugene Talmadge of Cicotgia today with an assertion that Talmadge and Alfred Smith were two biggest traitms in the hisloiy 0f the Demon atic party" The Governor issued a statement commenting that Talmadgr's 'grass convention amount to and saving that is the wout of the tv He's just mil sing a grudge" ASHEVILLE? Feb l-il'I-dov i ernor Eugene Talmadge received I the statement today by Governor (Bin Johnston describing him as a tiaitor to the Democratic yuily with the assertion that Ihe South Carolinian to wake Lilies are hnng plan'rd in London diessmakers demanding flowers with hues to match die-se NO REASON FOR MISSING FLORIDA SUNSHINE REAUTY AND THE BEACH may hold it hazard but when weighing them against the frigid blast the now and lush of the north let the factor of cost worry you It's a fact winter vacation now cost little if any more than staying at home And Atlantic Greyhound's low farea direct acenic routea make a vacation of the entire trip save enough of the average to permit four or five extra days there Fares to Popular Resorts On Four Uar fri SILVER TRAYS STERLING SILVER 95 59 These silver Itavs crime in 18 inch and 22 inch sizes with a copper hae Included are squaies ovals and round trays We have grouped our sterling iiirluded in Ihis lot we have compotes mayonnaise sets candelabias vases candlestirks etc 10 3 ROTHMOOR COATS AND SUITS Every Rothmoor has its own distinct character Some have haughty bravado others eflerv csce ith still other are suav elv urbane -all are hacked to the hone with thorough time-honored quality STERLING SILVER SILVERWARE UNION BUS TERMINAL Thnne 3-4107 95 We have jiM what jnu want In this gioup of sterling silver Included in this group arc silver howls and sand-w tch trays etc Dried in this group are fniks lea spoon ire lea--pnons dessrit spoons tablespoons and many other Very special at this price 50 $6 7c 29 4 Ifl XV Trade St irfiL Jt Ollier Roflininnr In K9 59 Tnr wvsk iiriHiimi i I iatfnt nmrr 7iYfSM5u03 SHrer ten ie Sh ct Hour tire rtr are Stirit Floor Ready to Wear Second Floor Ready to Wear Second Floor 'CHARLOTTE (ffiGcmmpitD him nmm CHARLOTTE NC 1.

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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.